Saturday, October 29, 2011

Taps Played for the First Time

 Taps Played for the First Time
Harrison's Landing Virginia, July, 1862

A sentinel paces in the moldering dank,
exercising the manual to no end
but to keep himself upright and alive --

shoulder arms,
support arms, right shoulder shift --
while midsummer insects flourish in his sweat,
creeping down and through, drawing nourishment,
then lodging in his vestments and his skin.

As his flannels ferment he contemplates
the distinction between Noxious Effluvia
and Laudable Pus.  He thinks of the grand
landscaping of the neighboring estate,
the view to the river from the Georgian hall,
down the allee through the ancient archway,
through rounded boxwood, cedar and myrtle
that lean in steel heat like sages or crones.

This night so tired he sees beyond the fire
demons dancing around Post Number One
and hears from woods beyond the songs of friends
dead only a week and too suddenly,
their bodies abandoned in White Oak Swamp
to mingle with the vapors now rising
and settling in a fog around the camp,
dulling the snores and farts of half-clad soldiers,
the tree line a shadow bringing the scent
of urine of those impatient for the sinks, the sinks
bringing worse. 

 The night becomes fuller then,
swelling as to burst like ripened corpses,
till a sweetness splits it and streams out cleanly
in piercing virtue, a sound of unfolding trinities
tracking the stages of man from freshness on
to the final ebbs, so stately and fine
though everywhere around a degradation.

The men turn to the notes with silvered eyes.
The sentinel faces about, presents his arms
to death, who brings one flower for them all.

"Courtesy of Stand Magazine, Leeds University"

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day is Done The Taps 150 CD


Please visit

Music commemorating
the 150th anniversary of Taps

“Day Has Done” has a variety of performances of the bugle call Taps, related bugle calls, and several orchestrations or other settings inspired by Taps. A substantial program booklet will accompany the CD. The CD contains over an hour of material. A combination of narration and program notes will introduce the selections and tell the story of the history of Taps.

The CD includes:
The Call Has Come-Holcombe/Villanueva-Michael Bogart, soloist
Tone Poem on Taps- Douglas Hedwig
Honoring Our Veterans for Brass Quintet with Band -Steven Behnke-(with Patriot Brass)
Taps for the Fallen Brave, Kevin Burns soloist
The Bugler’s Lament-Red Nichols, Jari Villanueva soloist
Taps-with orchestration, Woody English, soloist
Taps-Eternal Father, Woody English, soloist
Tenting Tonight with Taps, George Rabbai soloist
Taps, 1835 Scott Tattoo, Extinguish Lights, 1861 Tattoo
Lights Out March-McCoy
The Golden Star-Sousa
A Buglers Fantasy…MDNGHG Buglers
The Last Post/Rouse
Aux Mort
Il Silenzio
Ich Hatt’ einen Kamerden
Taps in unison (BAA Buglers)
Harmonized Taps (BAA Buglers)

Taps from “Touch the Spirit” by Wayne Naus
Taps for Maynard by Walter White
Historic recording of Taps at the JFK Funeral